Join me in my travel blog as I try to describe and understand the crazy world in which we live. Share and join these meanderings, you never know what opportunity might lie for you around the corner… if you’ve been to any of these places, or wish to go, leave a comment and start a conversation…
A Tuscan Fairytale
The sun is sinking in the west, its rays radiating an array of colours that light up the sky. The sound of enjoyment and the chink of glasses combine with ...
Mayan Masterpiece
Chichén-Itzá – not to be confused with chicken at Itsu. How can you say that you have been to the Yucatán peninsula if you've not visited the archaeological site of ...
Loving London
Not a war time cry across the wireless but a phrase from the lyrics put together by ‘The Clash’ and with which its song leads I feel ‘London Calling’. The ...
Seymour’s Sudeley
Blissfully located in the northern environs of the Cotswolds and a stone’s throw from the town of Winchcombe lies the little known Sudeley castle. Ignore at your loss or take ...
Berkeley Berserkly
It was the start of the new season. The autumn air that normally fills my lungs with joy was interspersed with the dark cloud of coronavirus. It is like a ...
Eton Style
I love the Boatman for there I can eat in style. It is great to sit by the river in the grounds of the same pub mentioned in the piece ...
Vienna Vignette
This global downtime has given me much time to myself, to ponder, reflect and reminisce. The future of the world looks uncertain, however, I can take stock and be grateful ...
Yes York
There are good days and not so good days. There are early morning run days and there are other days. There are home days and away days. Today was a ...
Winsome Windsor
Fancy me being educated as I sat in the Boatman Pub by the River Thames and read William Woodsworth’s words on its wall. How richly glows the waters breast Before ...
Busted Bradford
The first sight of Bradford was of a lonely chimney billowing out white clouds into the atmosphere. Evidently smoke was pumped from the many chimneys that once “adorned” this market ...
Henry’s Hampton
As my meanderings take me around these green and pleasant lands, I arrive upon the palace most famously associated with Henry VIII. This is yet another day for learning. I ...
Lexicography in Lichfield
It was on a cold and wet winter’s day that I discovered Lexicography in Lichfield. By the time I had left I felt a warm affection for Lichfield. I still ...
Excellent Exeter
My meanderings take me to another of these small and charming English cities, excellent Exeter. This city oozes much charm and packs a lot of character into its relatively small ...
Silly Killy
So, as I finally sit down and reflect upon the achievement of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, I’m left with a mixture of emotions. On the one hand there is the clear ...
Daily Diary
Getting to start of our climb We had agreed separate journeys to Heathrow, since I had to get my dog to my parents whilst Sam and Adge were to arrive ...
Memorable Mountain
Kilimanjaro! Where different worlds collide Cultures and differences put aside Tourists and locals unite We weren’t here to fight Mt Uhuru, it looked such a beast As we wandered from ...
Lovely Lincoln
Lovely Lincoln - another city spanning the 2000yr history of Britain. Sounds familiar? Similar to the recent visit Characterful Chester. My job recently has taken me to all points of ...
Ripon Rising
Here I was leaving Ripon after a pleasant evening spent there after work and blissfully unaware that I was leaving an English city until I walked pass a sign that ...
Characterful Chester
It has taken two thousand years to create the Chester of today! The Romans established it as a port some 2 millennia ago and set up a fort here. The ...
Central Coventry
The mission is to blog about every city in England. It has gathered pace recently assisted by my work taking me to “Central Coventry”. The title of this blog has ...
Terrific Tewkesbury
Whisper it quietly but I think I have just discovered one of England’s finest towns. As I’m on a mission to blog about every city in England it was surprising ...
Viva la Via Rail
This trip to Canada relied heavily on train transportation. My dear old friend is a railway enthusiast and was keen to use the trains in another land. Just before we ...
Magnificent Montréal
Founded on an island by the French in the 17th century on the confluence of the Rivers Ottawa and St. Lawrence is the Canadian city of Montréal. An incredible amalgamation ...
Jasper Jewel
Is this the jewel in Canada’s crown? Jasper – what a place! We visited this place more than once on this trip. We stopped at Jasper on the railway odyssey, ...
Vancouver Vanity
I’d heard so much of this city prior to arriving there! In this modern world it’s hard to ignore the information and opinions that are so readily available. Sadly, with ...
Baronial Banff
There is an undoubted link between the railways and the settlements in Canada. Banff is no exception. It’s a shame that arrival to Banff wasn’t by way of rail but ...
Whistle stop Winnipeg
This great Canadian railway odyssey has thrown up many delightful charms and none more so than the City of Winnipeg. There is more to come. Situated in the heart of Canada, ...
Niagara Galls
The next stop on my railway odyssey took me back to Niagara Falls. I shouldn’t have put myself through the pain and expense of travelling there again for once you ...
Québec City Qualité
The first stop on our Canadian train odyssey from east to west starting at Toronto is the stunning city of Quebec City. This is one of the oldest cities in ...
Cardiff Celebrations
Two down, two to go! Well after a brief and sadly quick visit it is now 3 down 1 to go. I was surprised to learn that Cardiff is one ...
I am lucky to be blessed with parents whose principles were to educate in life using holidays rather than just relax. Their hard work and dedication to providing me with these lessons will never be forgotten. Their wealth of family and friendships built up on their generosity and kindness gave me so many lessons and opportunities. It’s with these principles that I shape my life, as I look to embed some of their tenets into my own.